Heidelberg in (rainy) June

In June I finally made it to Heidelberg! The city is located in Baden-Württemberg, known for its university (it is the oldest university of Germany), the picturesque castle (Heidelberger Schloss) or the Old Bridge extending over the River Neckar.
I was very impressed by the beauty of this city. It is very romantic and historically valuable because it was not destroyed during the Second World War.
e had sunny weather at the beginning of the day which we enjoyed a lot outside by discovering the streets, Cafés, the churches and other places of the city; in the afternoon the weather changed to moody/rainy but it was still so so great and romantic.
And of course I took a loooot of photos, here are some of them 📷

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Karl-Theodor-Brücke, better known as Alte Brücke (Old Bridge).
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Different perspective of the bridge.
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The castle in the distance. Next time I will have a closer look at it.
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German „Rue Crémieux“.
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Very instagramable 😉
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My dream-wedding-car ❤
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Floral details.
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Looking up.
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Found the best ice cream at the ice cream parlour „Capri“.
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Never not passing by Macarons…
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…or roses…
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…or hydrangeas.
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A little bit of art.
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Looking up again to capture as many architecture and sky as possible.
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On the left: Restaurant „Perkeo“…
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…with a beautiful interior.
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Look at the windows!
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Litte cute shops.
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House corner.
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Left: Hl. Anna // Right: Providenzkirche
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When it starts to rain…
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…and the table looks photogenic.
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This is the smallest restaurant: Only two people can sit inside. Isn’t it romantic? ❤
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Street with point de vue.
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Too cool for this world.
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Käthe Wohlfahrt.
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Parking position.
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Streets of Heidelberg ❤
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„This way.“


Heidelberg, I love you! 💜




2 Kommentare zu „Heidelberg in (rainy) June

  1. Die Fotos sind so schön geworden! Du hast einfach voll das Auge für Architektur und schöne Details. Der Nebel wirkt auch grandios ❤


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